My attempt to answer all the questions I’ve been asked or think you may be wondering:
- Bangor, Maine because only a very few surgeons (Ca, Tx, Oh, DC) have performed a large amount of these surgeries and have a great positive response rate. David Branch studied under and then worked with the doctor in Ohio who pioneered this surgery.
- Called decompression surgery decompresses or removes impinging or damaged nerves. Permanent numbing can occur if required, but Dr. Branch is very conservative with excisions. Won’t know until he gets in there.
- It is not brain surgery. No cutting of the bones or exposing of the brain. Risk for infection as with any surgery. Think of it like carpel tunnel surgery on the hands. Somewhat the same.
- There are four trigger areas called zones. She will be cut in all four. Occipital (back of head) both greater and less on both sides. Temporal (temples and above ears) both sides. Frontal (through eyelids) both sides. And trigeminal in nasal passage which is a partial septoplasty or turbinectomy (up the nose) both sides.
- Neurosurgeons typically have far less training in peripheral nerves than do plastic surgeons. It is a tedious, intricate task of untangling the inflamed, twisted nerve tissue that takes a certain amount of precision and understanding.
- We have Anthem BCBS of Virginia and we pay dearly for it. These same surgery centers and surgeons as well as medical codes used last year that were approved are across the board being denied. Thanks to Obamacare I am told. Deemed unnecessary.
- Driving up as she cannot handle cabin pressure on an airplane. It will also be much easier to manage round the clock icing which is huge post surgery if in a car and not airports. My hotel has already been taking care of by another surgical parent as a pay it forward blessing.
- Yes. We have tried whatever you are chomping at the bit to suggest. Including, but not limited to, acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractor, holistic methods, insufflation techniques, massages, neck brace stabilization, nerve block, sacral cranial therapy and yoga. Not to mention a prescription list as long as my arm. Both prevention and abortive meds. Even pushing through.
- Abortives included DHE infusions with hospital in stay for a week long, both at UVA and Chicago’s Diamond Headache Clinic.
- Preventives included butterbur, magnesium w/ and w/o oxide, fewerfew, migrelief and other herbs, minerals and vitamins plus prescriptions. But living with a permanent headache, I always thought it ridiculous that attempt to “prevent” what you already had. I’ve told many doctors that is like continuing to stay on birth control even though you are pregnant.
- Dietary changes, food sensitivities and gut repair. Extreme paleo (no dairy, eggs, grains, gluten, corn, potatoes, seeds, nuts and some fruits -we ate rice a lot) and she did it for many months without cheating but also without any positive results in pain levels.
- Since the nerve block in February, a diagnostic tool to become candidate for surgery not for any relief, her pain increased and has not come back down. She is hovering around an 8 or 8.5 all the time now. 10 being the highest.
- Yes, she has a history of migraines. Her mother and sister, both grandmothers and great grandmother. Not the same. She is never without pain. Ever. Migraines interrupt your life not consume it.
- Recovery will be slow and painful. She will not feel miraculously better the morning after surgery. Working with the nerves will anger them and she may actually be worse post surgery. Complete healing will take time. It cannot be rushed. Baby steps.
- Guarantees. There are none. While this surgeon has a great track record, there is no way of knowing this will work and to what degree. We are not looking for a cure or 100% anything. Just reduction in pain = Increase of quality of life.
- Yes, she will admit she is scared. But told me she’s more scared of having to live this way forever.
I will refrain from posting any surgical photos at this time.
However, here is part 1 of 5 in a lecture series from David Branch, her surgeon. Nothing gross. Promise.